
Kinky Quill

Stories and Captions mostly dealing with chastity and cum control. I'm into the idea characters being led/conditioned/trained to do something without explicitly being forced. So most stories will be in that vein.

Part 1: https://kinky-quill.bdsmlr.com/post/792237979

"Why aren't any of my passwords working?"

Clara stood in the doorway tugging absentmindedly at the waistband of the chastity belt she was still trapped in. Jess closed her laptop and looked up at her. 

"I changed them when we set up the company. Your whole streaming operation is now set up as a corporation." She said it so matter of factly. Jess sometimes had a way of speaking that made Clara feel foolish for even asking.

"Then why change the passwords? I thought this was just to protect us from legal liability. "

"It is. Now if we piss off a sponsor or something they have to sue the company and not either of us. But we have to run things like a company now too. Any changes to the programming now require a shareholders vote."

"Shareholders? But it's just us." 

"Yes we have equal shares in the company and in the event of the, the CEO acts as tiebreaker. So as CEO I keep control of the passwords. I'm the one setting everything up behind the scenes anyway."

"That just gives you control over everything! I didn't agree to all this!"

Jess sighed, sounding more like a parent reprimanding a child than a business partner, 

"Sure you did. It was in all the papers you signed. It's not my fault if you didn't read them closely. Besides, it's for your own good. You almost quit after your first day. We're out of debt for the first time in years. You know how you get when you're horny. We can't risk you making a rash decision once you get too frustrated."

Clara tried to keep her voice level but couldn’t help whining, 

"It's been weeks, and these lockups keep getting longer. Are you sure we can't charge more for time?"

"We're definitely at the max there, but I've got a solution. Instead of playing for pleasure, we can switch it so you play for time. We auction off control of the belt to your viewers and switch the reward system to give you time off the lockup."

It didn't take long for her to realize what a mistake this was. She thought the belt was a problem when she had a limited amount of control, but the targeted cruelty from her followers was an entirely different matter. 

The chat was buzzing as she started her first game. Almost immediately the vibrator sprang to life. She let out a surprised yelp. The intensity modulated widely as the user got used to the controls. They quickly developed a pattern of starting with a high intensity, then slowly lowering it as Clara got closer to the edge. Then suddenly cranking to high and starting over again. It wasn't long before she found herself begging every time the vibrations started to lower, much to the delight of her followers.

Jess had sold control time in hour long blocks, so the belt controller continued to change. 

Her next controller didn't do anything at first. She began her game, wondering if there was a technical problem. Then as she encountered her first enemy player, the vibrator suddenly leaped to max intensity. She cried out in surprise and almost dropped her controller. Her character spun comically while firing wildly into the sky. As soon as she died, the vibrations dropped back to zero. For the rest of the hour, the controller waited until the worst possible time, before suddenly jolting her clit with heavy vibrations.

Some did their best to keep her as close to the edge as possible. Others waited until she was close to earning a reward, only to blast her with heavy vibrations to throw off her concentration. 

She was earning small amounts of time off but nothing worth what she was going through.

She was only a few hours into her 2nd day under the new reward system when the vibrators in her belt suddenly blasted up to maximum intensity. She came almost instantly, thanking the unseen controller for their unexpected mercy. The chat window lit up with complaints that someone had ruined their fun. 

Clara had barely recovered before the vibrations ramped up again and she was quickly cuing for a second time. When the vibrations didn’t die down after she came a 3rd time, she began to get a sinking feeling. She spent the full hour cumming over and over again as the controller forced orgasm after orgasm from her.

By the time the hour was over, she was actually happy to get back to the edging and teasing. But the next controller kept up the unrelenting assault of heavy vibrations. As did the next and the next. By the time the stream finally finished, she was a total wreck. Her game was all but forgotten as she just held on and came over and over again. She’d get Jess to switch the settings back. It was clear that her subscribers were not ok with her trying to get out early. 


Clara  slid around a corner firing at two enemy soldiers. Her belt went wild as their bodies dropped to the floor. She saw movement out of the corner of her eye and drove through a doorway as bullets filled the space where she had just been standing. She popped back around the corner catching the pursuing attacker by surprise and eliminated them with a tidy head shot. The belt surged again. Panting  heavily Clara  ducked into a tiny room in a quiet corner of the battlefield. Far from the contested areas, this location should be safe to enjoy the vibrations as the game ticked through the score bonuses of her latest kill streaks. She was quickly approaching the edge, just needed a few more seconds. She put down the controller as her hip started to tremble. 

A metallic clank announced the arrival of a grenade hitting the floor beside her. She barely had time to react before it exploded in her face. The vibrations cut off immediately, leaving her dangling on the edge. 

One room over Jess smiled at the sounds of banging and swearing coming through the wall. She turned from the monitor showing her view of Clara’s dead character, to one showing Clara smashing her keyboard as she suffered through a ruined orgasm.

That had been too close. Clara’s skill at the game was beginning to become a problem. Viewers weren't going to pay to keep her in the belt long term, when she was earning an orgasm every day or two. The whole point was to keep her horny and frustrated. If this kept up they might start seeing a serious drop in subscribers and income.

Jess had resorted to Logging into the game to sabotage Clara when she got close, but it was only a short term solution and was beginning to take a lot of her time. She'd have to come up with something more efficient. 


"What the hell is this guy doing?" Clara screamed as her screen turned white. Her teammate's flash grenade has left her completely blinded. The belt clicked off as her helpless character was riddled with bullets. 

Things had been going so well. The long hours of playing were paying off. She had been cumming pretty much every day. Sometimes even more than once a day. The lockup times had been getting more reasonable too, dropping down to days instead of weeks. 

Then it seemed like overnight she was getting paired up with the most brain dead teammates. Every time she saw any amount of success, it seemed like there was a clueless idiot ready to accidentally give away her position, catch her with some friendly fire, or in one infuriating case, nudge her out an open window.

To make matters worse, this string of bad luck had come with a sudden surge in subscribers willing to pay to keep her locked up longer than ever before. 

She switched to a sniper rifle and chose an elevated position. Her belt buzzed again and again as she began picking off enemy players. Just a few more. No need to rely on teammates. She was getting close, just keep it up. Her view of an enemy player was suddenly blocked by a giant head, as one of her teammates stood directly in front of her scope. She tried to stop herself but she was already firing. The vibration's intensity dropped dramatically as she was given a penalty for killing a friendly player.

Jess smiled to herself as she watched Clara’s reaction. Charging Clara’s biggest fans for the opportunity to play on her team was paying dividends. They were actually paying her hundreds of dollars an hour to do her job for her. Clara was giving the best reactions and performances of her career, and the subscriber count was only rising.

A ding announced the arrival of a new email.  Jess’s eyes went wide as she read it. Now THIS was a big opportunity. 


The boardroom had only two occupants despite its large size. 

“Is it done?”

The woman checked her clipboard even though she had memorized all the information on it.

“All of the potential candidates have agreed to compete in our ‘gaming tournament’. The large cash prize went a long way to convincing them. We’ll have a winner by the end of the month, then we can begin recruitment and training for the pilot program.”

“We better hope this works, we’re running out of time.”

“This isn’t our only option. I’ve got the wrestler on board and I think I’ve identified suitable candidates to fill the remaining openings.” 

“How long do you think you can keep them in the dark about the true nature of the program?”

“Long enough,”

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