Stories and Captions mostly dealing with chastity and cum control. I'm into the idea characters being led/conditioned/trained to do something without explicitly being forced. So most stories will be in that vein.
Sarah moaned loudly as her fingers moved wildly between her legs. She was so close, but something just wasn’t right.
For months Sarah had been paranoid about the idea of someone listening to her pleasuring herself. It had started with a series of anonymous notes accusing her of being so loud that all her roommates could hear her. She had spent weeks unable to cum, worried that someone was listening in and judging her. When she had finally had enough, and ignored the notes, she received a delivery of a heavy duty leather gag. The object had enraged Sarah at first, but to her chagrin, it had actually been a useful solution. Soon she was wearing the gag, along with its thick collar and attached blindfold, every time she wanted to play with herself. She was able to relax enough to actually enjoy herself, secure in the knowledge it was impossible for anyone to hear her.
But she shouldn’t need it now! By some miracle of scheduling, all of her roommates’ holiday plans had lined up, and she had a week before any of them returned. She couldn’t remember the last time she had the small apartment all to herself. There was no reason she should be wearing the gag now, but after so long wearing it, everything just felt off.
Even though she knew it didn’t make any sense she just couldn’t get herself over the edge. Finally the frustration was too much and she stomped over to her dresser to retrieve the gag.
It was gone.
Frantically she searched through the drawer, but it was definitely missing. Her mind raced? Did she put it somewhere else? Did someone steal it? Who would do that? It had to be whoever left it for her in the first place, but why would they take it back now?
A day later Sarah was getting seriously frustrated. She spent half the morning playing with herself, but without the comforting embrace of the gag, she just couldn’t get off. She took everything out of her dresser and tore her room apart before she found it under her bed. At first she was relieved it wasn’t missing, but when she tried to grab it she realized she had a new problem. The gag was now connected to a heavy chain, which had been securely locked to the leg of her bed. She’d need to buy bolt cutters to get it free, and the chain looked strong enough that it would be hard even with that.
She just wanted to put it on and cum. Finally she lay on the floor and started fastening it around her head. The chain was so short that she had to put her head on the floor. With her face down and her ass in the air, her position was especially degrading, but soon her busy fingers had her screaming into the gag as she came.
For the next few days this became her routine. She’d find herself getting horny and begin to play, determined to prove to herself that she didn’t need the gag. Only for her frustration to eventually win over her pride. It wouldn’t be long before she gagged, blindfolded and grunting and moaning her way through another orgasm.
On the fourth day Sarah was once again buckled into her gag, when she thought she heard something. She fumbled blindly and switched off her vibrator just in time to hear the door to her room swing open. The chain pulled tight as she tried to stand and she fell back to the floor. She started trying to unbuckle everything but someone grabbed her wrists and pulled her hands away. Before she could react, her hands were securely cuffed behind her back. Sarah screamed but the gag stopped almost all the sound from escaping. She kicked wildly but her attacker was able to sit on her back, pinning her down. She quickly felt something enter her, and a cold metal embrace as something was tightened around her hips.
Then she felt the handcuffs being unlocked. Her hands flew to the buckles on the gag, but by the time she had them undone, she found herself alone in her room.
Looking down, she saw she was wearing a shiny metal belt with a metal strap holding the dildo in place. She yanked on it, but it wouldn’t open. She couldn’t believe the utter violation. Someone had put something inside her, and now she couldn’t even get it out. Suddenly the dildo started to vibrate. Sarah screamed in surprise. She twisted and stretched but couldn’t get free. A second vibrator began to stimulate her clit in a rapid pulsing pattern. She moaned and yelped loudly, as her fingers clawed uselessly at the belt. Before she knew it, she was screaming her way through an orgasm. The belt shut off leaving her gasping for breath.
As she recovered she inspected the belt. It didn’t look like there was any way to get it off without a key or at least some heavy tools she certainly didn’t have access to. She considered going to the police, but what would they be able to do? Would they even believe her? She was sure this had to be one of her roommates. The same one that wrote the notes and gave her the mask. If she could figure out which one, then maybe she’d have something to report, or she could confront them directly.
Her thoughts were interrupted by a the vibrator. She jumped in shock as it gave three fast pulses before shutting off. A few minutes later it roared to life bringing her to another quick screaming orgasm.
The pattern repeated several more times throughout the day. A warning pulse, then a few minutes later a set of vibrations that would have her screaming in pleasure.
When her roommates returned, she watched carefully for any clue as to who her attacker was, but everyone was acting normally. They had only been back a few hours before again she felt one of the warning pulses. She quickly excused herself and practically ran back to her room. The vibrating program started up and she did her best to stay quiet. Something about the patterns of the vibrations just got to her. They were never the same and impossible to predict. She had always been loud in bed, but this belt was taking her to a whole new level of volume. The dildo vibrator suddenly cut out just as the clit vibrator came on. Then back again. Just when her body started to get used to the pattern, they both stopped, but just long enough for her to start to relax before spring to life again. She had to use the gag. She hated to do it, but there was no other way she was going to stay quiet through this. She’d barely got the last buckle fastened on the gag, before she was screaming her orgasm into it.
This continued for weeks. It was utterly humiliating to have to stop in the middle of a conversation or eating dinner and make an excuse to run to her room. She could only imagine what her roommates must think she was doing. She’d die if they knew she was grunting and moaning into a gag while blindfolded and chained to the floor.
A few days after all her roommates had returned, it was decided to throw a party. This was the last thing Sarah wanted to deal with, but soon the entire apartment was filled with friends and acquaintances.
Sarah was finally starting to relax and enjoy herself when she felt the exact thing she had been dreading. The 3 warning pulses of the vibrator signaling that she was minutes away from moaning and screaming her way through a very loud orgasm. She quickly made her way to her bedroom, and was shocked to see her roommate Allison was already there.
“What are you..” Sarah needed to find a way to get her out of here. There was only a few minutes before the belt activated again.
“Sarah, I have to confess something to you.”
Sarah stopped. This was not what she had expected.
“A few months back, I left you a bunch of nasty notes. And then I left that gross gag in your room. I’m sorry. I was stressed about school and I went too far taking it out on you like that and I;ve been feeling terrible about it.”
A few weeks ago Sarah would have been happy to hear this apology but now?
“Allison, you need to let me out of this belt right now!”
Allison looked confused? “What do you mean belt? I just came to apologize about the notes and gag. Don’t worry, I already moved it back to my room for you.”
“What? I need it! The belt is going to make me cum any second now and everyone is going to hear it.”
Sarah pulled up her shirt revealing the belt and Allison gasped in surprise.
“Oh you kinky girl, no wonder you were always so loud. You’ve just been wearing this around?”
“I don’t want to! I’m stuck! I thought you… look I don’t have time to explain. I need the gag.”
Allison was studying the belt. “There must be a way to turn it off.” She moved behind Sarah and inspected the belt.
“Let’s get this out of the way.” Before Sarah could react, Allison was pulling the shirt off over her head.
“Reach back and hold onto these two little things for me.”
Sarah allowed Allison to guide her hands to the belt, but instead of something to grab, she felt the return of the handcuffs.
“Allison what the hell!?” she hissed.
Allison laughed. As she pushed Sarah to her knees.
“I’m sorry, but I can’t believe you fell for that. So yes obviously I sent the letters and left the gag. I’m the one that chained it to the floor just to see if you’d keep using it. And I’m the one that locked you in the chastity belt.”
Sarah struggled against the cuffs as Allison continued.
“You know that belt is really advanced. It has all sorts of sensors and a learning module. You can set them up to learn how to perfectly tease someone, or make them cum as quickly as possible. I actually had to write my own program. I guess I’m the only one that wanted a belt that made the wearer cum as loudly as possible.”
“No!” Sarah gasped.
“That’s right! Every time it’s made you cum it’s been learning just what it has to do to get you really screaming and moaning. In about one minute you’re going to be putting on quite a show. I should probably get going. Your gag is gone and you can’t even cover your mouth. I should be able to hear it from anywhere at this party.”
“Allison you can’t do this to me! Let me out of these cuffs!”
Allison grinned. Sorry the key is in my room with the gag. If you want my help we’ll have to improvise. Do you see anything we can use to cover your mouth?”
She leaned back and opened her legs, revealing she wasn’t wearing any underwear under her skirt.
Sarah shook her head. There had to be another option. Allison sat on the edge of the bed, her pussy just inches from Sarah’s face. The vibrators kicked on, immediately buzzing in an irregular pattern that had Sarah moaning loudly in surprise. She tried to hold in the sound, but she knew it was useless. Any second it was going to make her scream in pleasure. Everyone would hear. They might even come in and see her like this. The vibrators ramped up and she started to cry out, but she was already shoving her face into Allison’s pussy. She screamed as she came, but Allison held her tight and back at the party not a sound was heard.
Allison grabbed on to the back of Sarah’s head and pulled her in tight. Sarah wasn’t really licking but that was fine. They’d work on that later. For now Allison just focused on Sarah’s muffled grunts and angry glare while she rubbed and grinded across Sarah’s lips.
When she’d finally had enough, she let Sarah up and explained how their new arrangement was going to work.
“Sarah, I’m taking back the gag. When you feel the belt pulse, that’s your cue to come find me. I’ll help you stay quiet just like I did tonight. I’ll even promise to only activate it when I’m around to help you. Of course if you don’t want my help, or if you damage your expensive belt trying to take it off, I might have to turn it on when you’re at class or some other public place.”
She unlocked the handcuffs.
“Now let’s get back to this party” and she slipped out of the room.
One Month Later
Allison looked down at her laptop. This assignment was going to take all evening. She made a few swipes on her phone. She could just barely make out a gasp of surprise from Sarah’s room. A minute later Sarah quietly entered and stripped to just her belt. She crawled under the desk and began licking Allison’s pussy as the belt vibrators turned on. Allison sighed in pleasure as she got to work. Sarah’s belt continued to run patterns designed to get a vocal reaction. This was to make sure Sarah didn’t get any ideas about turning down Allison’s “help” keeping quiet. But also because Allison just loved the feeling when Sarah shoved as deeply as she could between Allison’s legs to smother an especially loud reaction. Sarah’s technique had improved over the last month. Allison had been attempting to subtly train Sarah. Stealthily adjusting the strength of the vibrations based on her performance. She was pleased with the results so far. It wouldn’t be long until Sarah was trained exactly how she wanted her. She spared a glance at the stream for the hidden cameras hidden in the other roommates' rooms. She was going to need a new project soon.
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Shhhhhh - Part 2
Part1 here:
Sarah moaned loudly as her fingers moved wildly between her legs. She was so close, but something just wasn’t right.
For months Sarah had been paranoid about the idea of someone listening to her pleasuring herself. It had started with a series of anonymous notes accusing her of being so loud that all her roommates could hear her. She had spent weeks unable to cum, worried that someone was listening in and judging her. When she had finally had enough, and ignored the notes, she received a delivery of a heavy duty leather gag. The object had enraged Sarah at first, but to her chagrin, it had actually been a useful solution. Soon she was wearing the gag, along with its thick collar and attached blindfold, every time she wanted to play with herself. She was able to relax enough to actually enjoy herself, secure in the knowledge it was impossible for anyone to hear her.
But she shouldn’t need it now! By some miracle of scheduling, all of her roommates’ holiday plans had lined up, and she had a week before any of them returned. She couldn’t remember the last time she had the small apartment all to herself. There was no reason she should be wearing the gag now, but after so long wearing it, everything just felt off.
Even though she knew it didn’t make any sense she just couldn’t get herself over the edge. Finally the frustration was too much and she stomped over to her dresser to retrieve the gag.
It was gone.
Frantically she searched through the drawer, but it was definitely missing. Her mind raced? Did she put it somewhere else? Did someone steal it? Who would do that? It had to be whoever left it for her in the first place, but why would they take it back now?
A day later Sarah was getting seriously frustrated. She spent half the morning playing with herself, but without the comforting embrace of the gag, she just couldn’t get off. She took everything out of her dresser and tore her room apart before she found it under her bed. At first she was relieved it wasn’t missing, but when she tried to grab it she realized she had a new problem. The gag was now connected to a heavy chain, which had been securely locked to the leg of her bed. She’d need to buy bolt cutters to get it free, and the chain looked strong enough that it would be hard even with that.
She just wanted to put it on and cum. Finally she lay on the floor and started fastening it around her head. The chain was so short that she had to put her head on the floor. With her face down and her ass in the air, her position was especially degrading, but soon her busy fingers had her screaming into the gag as she came.
On the fourth day Sarah was once again buckled into her gag, when she thought she heard something. She fumbled blindly and switched off her vibrator just in time to hear the door to her room swing open. The chain pulled tight as she tried to stand and she fell back to the floor. She started trying to unbuckle everything but someone grabbed her wrists and pulled her hands away. Before she could react, her hands were securely cuffed behind her back. Sarah screamed but the gag stopped almost all the sound from escaping. She kicked wildly but her attacker was able to sit on her back, pinning her down. She quickly felt something enter her, and a cold metal embrace as something was tightened around her hips.
Then she felt the handcuffs being unlocked. Her hands flew to the buckles on the gag, but by the time she had them undone, she found herself alone in her room.
As she recovered she inspected the belt. It didn’t look like there was any way to get it off without a key or at least some heavy tools she certainly didn’t have access to. She considered going to the police, but what would they be able to do? Would they even believe her? She was sure this had to be one of her roommates. The same one that wrote the notes and gave her the mask. If she could figure out which one, then maybe she’d have something to report, or she could confront them directly.
Her thoughts were interrupted by a the vibrator. She jumped in shock as it gave three fast pulses before shutting off. A few minutes later it roared to life bringing her to another quick screaming orgasm.
The pattern repeated several more times throughout the day. A warning pulse, then a few minutes later a set of vibrations that would have her screaming in pleasure.
When her roommates returned, she watched carefully for any clue as to who her attacker was, but everyone was acting normally. They had only been back a few hours before again she felt one of the warning pulses. She quickly excused herself and practically ran back to her room. The vibrating program started up and she did her best to stay quiet. Something about the patterns of the vibrations just got to her. They were never the same and impossible to predict. She had always been loud in bed, but this belt was taking her to a whole new level of volume. The dildo vibrator suddenly cut out just as the clit vibrator came on. Then back again. Just when her body started to get used to the pattern, they both stopped, but just long enough for her to start to relax before spring to life again. She had to use the gag. She hated to do it, but there was no other way she was going to stay quiet through this. She’d barely got the last buckle fastened on the gag, before she was screaming her orgasm into it.
This continued for weeks. It was utterly humiliating to have to stop in the middle of a conversation or eating dinner and make an excuse to run to her room. She could only imagine what her roommates must think she was doing. She’d die if they knew she was grunting and moaning into a gag while blindfolded and chained to the floor.
A few days after all her roommates had returned, it was decided to throw a party. This was the last thing Sarah wanted to deal with, but soon the entire apartment was filled with friends and acquaintances.
Sarah was finally starting to relax and enjoy herself when she felt the exact thing she had been dreading. The 3 warning pulses of the vibrator signaling that she was minutes away from moaning and screaming her way through a very loud orgasm. She quickly made her way to her bedroom, and was shocked to see her roommate Allison was already there.
“What are you..” Sarah needed to find a way to get her out of here. There was only a few minutes before the belt activated again.
“Sarah, I have to confess something to you.”
Sarah stopped. This was not what she had expected.
“A few months back, I left you a bunch of nasty notes. And then I left that gross gag in your room. I’m sorry. I was stressed about school and I went too far taking it out on you like that and I;ve been feeling terrible about it.”
A few weeks ago Sarah would have been happy to hear this apology but now?
“Allison, you need to let me out of this belt right now!”
Allison looked confused? “What do you mean belt? I just came to apologize about the notes and gag. Don’t worry, I already moved it back to my room for you.”
“What? I need it! The belt is going to make me cum any second now and everyone is going to hear it.”
Sarah pulled up her shirt revealing the belt and Allison gasped in surprise.
“Oh you kinky girl, no wonder you were always so loud. You’ve just been wearing this around?”
“I don’t want to! I’m stuck! I thought you… look I don’t have time to explain. I need the gag.”
Allison was studying the belt. “There must be a way to turn it off.” She moved behind Sarah and inspected the belt.
“Let’s get this out of the way.” Before Sarah could react, Allison was pulling the shirt off over her head.
“Reach back and hold onto these two little things for me.”
Sarah allowed Allison to guide her hands to the belt, but instead of something to grab, she felt the return of the handcuffs.
“Allison what the hell!?” she hissed.
Allison laughed. As she pushed Sarah to her knees.
“I’m sorry, but I can’t believe you fell for that. So yes obviously I sent the letters and left the gag. I’m the one that chained it to the floor just to see if you’d keep using it. And I’m the one that locked you in the chastity belt.”
Sarah struggled against the cuffs as Allison continued.
“You know that belt is really advanced. It has all sorts of sensors and a learning module. You can set them up to learn how to perfectly tease someone, or make them cum as quickly as possible. I actually had to write my own program. I guess I’m the only one that wanted a belt that made the wearer cum as loudly as possible.”
“No!” Sarah gasped.
“That’s right! Every time it’s made you cum it’s been learning just what it has to do to get you really screaming and moaning. In about one minute you’re going to be putting on quite a show. I should probably get going. Your gag is gone and you can’t even cover your mouth. I should be able to hear it from anywhere at this party.”
“Allison you can’t do this to me! Let me out of these cuffs!”
Allison grinned. Sorry the key is in my room with the gag. If you want my help we’ll have to improvise. Do you see anything we can use to cover your mouth?”
She leaned back and opened her legs, revealing she wasn’t wearing any underwear under her skirt.
Sarah shook her head. There had to be another option. Allison sat on the edge of the bed, her pussy just inches from Sarah’s face. The vibrators kicked on, immediately buzzing in an irregular pattern that had Sarah moaning loudly in surprise. She tried to hold in the sound, but she knew it was useless. Any second it was going to make her scream in pleasure. Everyone would hear. They might even come in and see her like this. The vibrators ramped up and she started to cry out, but she was already shoving her face into Allison’s pussy. She screamed as she came, but Allison held her tight and back at the party not a sound was heard.
Allison grabbed on to the back of Sarah’s head and pulled her in tight. Sarah wasn’t really licking but that was fine. They’d work on that later. For now Allison just focused on Sarah’s muffled grunts and angry glare while she rubbed and grinded across Sarah’s lips.
When she’d finally had enough, she let Sarah up and explained how their new arrangement was going to work.
“Sarah, I’m taking back the gag. When you feel the belt pulse, that’s your cue to come find me. I’ll help you stay quiet just like I did tonight. I’ll even promise to only activate it when I’m around to help you. Of course if you don’t want my help, or if you damage your expensive belt trying to take it off, I might have to turn it on when you’re at class or some other public place.”
She unlocked the handcuffs.
“Now let’s get back to this party” and she slipped out of the room.
One Month Later
Allison looked down at her laptop. This assignment was going to take all evening. She made a few swipes on her phone. She could just barely make out a gasp of surprise from Sarah’s room. A minute later Sarah quietly entered and stripped to just her belt. She crawled under the desk and began licking Allison’s pussy as the belt vibrators turned on. Allison sighed in pleasure as she got to work. Sarah’s belt continued to run patterns designed to get a vocal reaction. This was to make sure Sarah didn’t get any ideas about turning down Allison’s “help” keeping quiet. But also because Allison just loved the feeling when Sarah shoved as deeply as she could between Allison’s legs to smother an especially loud reaction. Sarah’s technique had improved over the last month. Allison had been attempting to subtly train Sarah. Stealthily adjusting the strength of the vibrations based on her performance. She was pleased with the results so far. It wouldn’t be long until Sarah was trained exactly how she wanted her. She spared a glance at the stream for the hidden cameras hidden in the other roommates' rooms. She was going to need a new project soon.