
Kinky Quill

Stories and Captions mostly dealing with chastity and cum control. I'm into the idea characters being led/conditioned/trained to do something without explicitly being forced. So most stories will be in that vein.

In the depths of the underworld, where shadows dance with malevolent glee and the air is thick with the scent of brimstone, Mephistia eagerly awaited the call of a mortal. For it is in the mortal realm where she finds amusement, where she can sow chaos and revel in the delicious taste of fear.

One fateful night, the call echoed through the ether, a beckoning that pulls at the very essence of her being. With a smirk curling upon her lips, she emerges from the abyss, materializing in a swirl of darkness within a dimly lit chamber. Before her stands a figure.

"You have summoned me, mortal," she hisses, her voice a sinister melody that drips with malice. "What is it that you desire?"

The mortal, undaunted by her presence, grins wickedly. "So many things," he declares, his voice carrying a weight of determination that catches Mephistia off guard.

She chuckles, amused by his ambition. "And you think I will help you?"

Before she could finish her taunt, the mortal raised his hand, revealing intricate runes etched into his flesh, pulsating with an otherworldly energy. In an instant, golden chains of ethereal magic erupted from the ground, ensnaring Mephistia with a strength that took her by surprise.

She struggled against the bonds, her rage boiling within her like a tempest ready to unleash its fury. But no matter how hard she fought, the chains held fast, his magic binding her with an iron grip that defies her will.

"What sorcery is this?!" she roared, her voice echoing throughout the chamber.

The mortal's grin widened as he approached, his eyes ablaze with triumph. "A little something I learned in my studies," he replied, his tone laced with smug satisfaction. "You demons may be powerful, but even you are not immune to the forces of magic."

Mephistia seethed with frustration, her pride wounded by this mortal's audacity. Yet, despite her anger, she knew she would have the last laugh. She was not without magic of her own.

“Oh yes, one more thing.” he waved his hand again and she felt cold metal forming around her hips and down her thighs. It flowed over her pussy cupping it securely, trapping her in a golden chastity belt. Mephistia yanked at the belt trying to break free of its grip. If it was actually made of gold she could have shredded it effortlessly, but this magical belt resisted her claws with supernatural resilience. 

This had gone on long enough. Focusing her mind she began to summon the dark energies that course through her being and weave a spell that would dispel her restraints. But as she tried to gather her magical energies, the belt started to vibrate and pulse in a very distracting way. She gasped in shock as the bolt of pleasure swept through her.

    The threads of the magic slipped from her control as the spell uselessly unraveled. She tried again and the belt surged more powerfully. It was impossible to weave the subtle threads of magic, while her clit was getting worked over like this. The more power she summoned, the more intensely the belt shook and vibrated against her pussy. She pulled at the waistband, trying to escape the overwhelming sensations, but it held firmly pressed against her.

The human watched with barely concealed amusement as Mephistia was thoroughly controlled and humiliated by the device. It wasn’t long until she found herself on the edge of orgasm. She didn’t want to lose control in front of this man, but the belt wasn’t giving her any choice. Plus it was getting harder to deny how good it felt.

Just before she was about to reach that climax however, she was shocked by a sudden bolt of pain. She gasped in surprise. She wasn’t used to being on the receiving end of this sort of abuse. Almost immediately the belt began to pleasure her again. 

“It feeds on your magic, you see.” said the human. “So the harder you try to escape, the more you power it up.”

“Turn it off, she moaned.” Already she could feel herself approaching the edge again.

“Too late now. It will run down eventually as long as you don’t give it any more energy.”

“No! It’s going to make me..”Again came the vicious jolt of pain across her clit as the belt stopped her from coming. She screamed in pain and frustration.

“You won’t have to worry about that. I can’t let it feel too good, or you’ll just sit there all day pumping energy into it. This acts as a much better deterrent.”

Mephistia had to agree. The belt was finally beginning to slow, and she was in no hurry to try a magical solution again any time soon. Still she could feel the next edge coming. The belt continued to slow down as it ran out of power, but she was already so close. She tried to control her breathing as the belt brought her right to the edge. It was barely touching her at all, but with a frustrated cry she felt herself begin to slip over. “AAARRGGH!!” The last shock brought her to her knees.

She knelt on the ground breathing heavily. She was utterly humiliated, and the worst of it was that all this stimulation had left her so horny she was dripping with need. 

“Alright if you’ve got yourself under control now, we can start going over some of the tasks I’ll require you to complete.” The human waved his hand, and the chains binding her disappeared. “If you’ll follow me.”

Mephistia couldn’t believe her eyes. How could someone so skilled slip up so badly? With a roar she sprang forward clawing at his face. She was astonished to find herself unable to harm him. He should be in ribbons on the floor, but some force was stopping her just before she could reach him. She grabbed his throat and squeezed with all her might. He smiled and made no move to stop her. It  felt like she was trying to strangle a stone statue.

With a sigh, the human reached out and grabbed one of the horns on the demon’s head. With no apparent effort he used it like a handle to force her back onto her knees. “I thought you understood. There’s no way for you to resist me, let alone harm me.” She snarled and clawed at his wrist, but again some magical force stopped her just before she could make contact. “I guess you need a demonstration.”

He easily held her with one hand while he freed his cock from his pants with the other. Mephistiawas starting to panic. All her attempts to defeat this human had been easily countered. She had never felt so helpless and was now fully realizing the reality that there wasn’t anything she could do to prevent this from happening. 

“No!! I..” Before she could get another word out, the human stuffed his cock in her mouth. She tried to bite and claw. She tried to turn her head, to pull back, or push him away. But nothing worked.  It was as if none of her actions could affect him. The same force continued to protect him, and all her efforts to push or pull on his hand felt like pushing on an iron wall. 

He effortlessly held her in place, his cock just barely in her mouth, smiling at her ineffective struggle. Then he pulled on her horns, dragging her further onto his cock. As it slowly pushed deeper into her throat, she doubled her efforts to escape to no avail.

Finally with one last tug his cock was balls deep inside her. He held her there with one hand while stroking her head affectionately. She flailed wildly. Her eyes wide. She spluttered and gagged on his cock, as she demanded then pleaded for him to stop. In a blind panic she again reached for her magic and her belt roared to life, sapping her power and buzzing against her clit.

He began fucking her face, picking up speed as he went. No matter what the rest of her body did, he just kept mechanically moving her head forward and back exactly as he pleased. Her frenzied attempts to escape had powered the belt far beyond her last attempt. It was running on a level that would normally have her cumming over and over. But each time she reached the edge, it gave her the same painful jolt that prevented her from finding relief. Over and over she found herself reaching the edge, only to be painfully kicked back to start the journey again. 

The build up needed to get her to the edge became shorter and shorter until she felt like she was getting shocked more than pleasured just to keep her from cumming. Finally the human pulled her fully onto his cock as he came shooting cum directly down her throat. He released her and she slumped back to the floor. The belt continued, alternatively bringing pleasure and pain. 

He looked down at her. After everything that had happened the greatest humiliation was the pity in his eyes. How dare he pity someone as powerful as her. But before she could say anything, he snapped his fingers and suddenly she was cumming. Over and over the belt made her cum again and again. Finally it wore down leaving her completely exhausted. 

The human smiled. “Well that certainly was fun. We’ll have to add this to your list of duties. I’m sure we’ll keep each other very busy.

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