
Kinky Quill

Stories and Captions mostly dealing with chastity and cum control. I'm into the idea characters being led/conditioned/trained to do something without explicitly being forced. So most stories will be in that vein.

The soft glow of the laptop screen bathed the living room in a dim light as Sarah prepared for a night of self bondage. The bell on her collar jingled as she readied her ropes. The last addition before she began was a solid metal chastity belt. She never kept herself locked up long, but it was so exciting to wear it while tied up.

Soon she was well tied and having a great time. But to her horror when it was time to untie herself, she found she was completely stuck. Sarah's fingers fumbled anxiously with the intricate knots that held her captive, each tug and twist only tightening the entwined mess. Beads of sweat formed on her forehead as frustration mingled with the fear that she might not be able to get out. Panic crept in and she began to struggle wildly. As she grappled with the unforgiving knots, the room, the bell on her collar jingled and jangled loudly.

Sarah might have eventually escaped on her own, but the sounds of the bell were enough to summon Emily, her roommate. 

“What are you doing in here?”

Emily entered the room to find Sarah ensnared in her own tangled web of knots and the humiliating addition of the chastity belt. A mischievous grin played on Emily's lips as she surveyed the scene, her eyes dancing with amusement. "Well, well, what do we have here?" she quipped, her tone laced with teasing mockery. Sarah's cheeks flushed with embarrassment as Emily circled her, inspecting the knots and the chastity belt. "Playing a new game, are we?" Emily continued, reveling in Sarah's discomfort. 

All Sarah could think to say was "I was just playing a game, and I kind of got stuck."

Yet, Emily, with a teasing smile, seized the moment. "Well, I’ll help you out, but I think I’m going to keep this for a little while OK?" she said, holding the key to the chastity belt. 

Sarah was torn between the desire for freedom and the reluctance to surrender the key. Reluctantly, she nodded.

“Great.” She said, and loosened the ropes holding one of Sarah’s wrists a little, before walking out of the room. 

By the time Sarah managed to wiggle out of the rest of the ropes, there was no sign of the key.

Days passed, and the weight of the chastity belt on Sarah's hips became increasingly burdensome. Emily hadn’t mentioned it again and Sarah had been too humiliated to bring it up. After a week she was finally fed up enough to try to convince Emily to give her the key.

Sarah approached Emily, a mix of frustration and desperation etched on her face.

"I need to get out of this, Emily. It's too much," Sarah implored, her eyes searching for a hint of empathy in Emily's gaze.

A sly smile curled on Emily's lips as she regarded Sarah's plea. "I'll make you a deal, Sarah. There's a challenge for you, a chance to prove yourself. If you succeed, I might consider giving you the key to that chastity belt."

Intrigued yet cautious, Sarah hesitated before reluctantly agreeing. A glimmer of hope sparked within her—an opportunity to escape the relentless constraints of the metal contraption.

Emily led her to her bedroom. Sitting at the foot of the bed was a dog cage. Neither of them had a dog. 

"Your challenge is simple," Emily smirked. "You have to spend the entire night in this dog cage with that toy in your mouth. If you drop it, you lose."

Sarah's eyes widened in disbelief. "Are you serious? This is ridiculous!"

"Oh, I'm dead serious," Emily replied, stifling a laugh. "Are you going to back out already? If you’re enjoying the belt you can keep wearing it till I decide to give you the key, and trust me, that’s going to take a while."

Determined not to show weakness, Sarah took a deep breath and backed into the cage. She positioned herself with the toy in her mouth, feeling the cold metal against her back. Emily knelt down to close the cage. “One more thing.” she said, and Sarah felt her fasten a collar around her neck. She wanted to protest, but that would mean dropping the dog toy, and she was sure Emily would count that as a loss. 

“Sorry, but you just looked so cute with your collar before. I had to put one on you again.”

She closed the door and the ordeal began.

Sarah soon discovered the true difficulty of the challenge. The cage was cramped, and the uncomfortable position strained her muscles. The toy tasted of rubber, and holding it with her teeth became increasingly difficult. She struggled to find a comfortable position, feeling the embarrassment of her predicament deepening with each passing moment.

The silence of the room was broken only by the occasional creaks of the cage and Sarah's attempts to shift her weight. Emily, enjoying the spectacle, occasionally passed by, offering teasing remarks.

"Having fun in there, Sarah?"

As the night progressed, Sarah's fatigue intensified, and the discomfort of the cage and the taste of the rubber toy became almost unbearable. She fought to keep the toy in her mouth, clenching her jaw to maintain her grip. The hours crawled by, and in the dim light, she could see the amused expression on Emily's face whenever she passed by.

In the early hours of the morning, exhaustion finally took its toll. Sarah's eyes grew heavy, and her grip on the toy weakened. In a moment of weakness, the rubber slipped from her mouth and squeaked loudly as it clattered to the cage floor.

Emily, who had been watching from a distance, burst into laughter. "Well, well, looks like we have a loser!" she exclaimed, pointing at the fallen toy.

Sarah's face flushed with embarrassment and frustration. She couldn't believe she had come so close only to fail in the end. Feeling defeated and frustrated, attempted to exit the cage. However, as she reached for the latch, a sinking feeling settled in her stomach – the door was locked.

"What did you do, Emily?" Sarah asked, panic creeping into her voice as she rattled the cage door.

"I added a little twist to the challenge. You'll have to spend the rest of the night in there, contemplating your failure," Emily replied, a smirk playing on her lips.

Sarah's embarrassment reached new heights as she realized she was truly trapped. The confined space of the cage seemed to close in on her, and the discomfort intensified. The minutes stretched into what felt like an eternity, and Sarah's frustration grew. She pondered the absurdity of her situation – locked in a cage like a disobedient pet. 

As the first rays of morning light filtered into the room, Emily approached, unlocking the cage with a triumphant smile. Sarah was too tired to get into it with her, and immediately went to bed to sleep.

A few hours later, a groggy Sarah rolled out of bed. Looking in her mirror, she realized she was still wearing the collar Emily had put on her. Her fingers fumbled for the fastener, but to her dismay, the collar wouldn't budge. Panic set in as she realized that Emily had locked it on

"What the hell?" Sarah muttered to herself, tugging at the collar in vain. The bell's jingle echoed in the silent apartment, underscoring the futility of her attempt. Frustration and humiliation washed over her. Emily appeared at the doorway with a bemused expression. "Having trouble with your collar, Sarah?"

Sarah shot her a glare, "Unlock it, Emily. This isn't funny anymore."

Emily's amusement only deepened. “You're the one who failed the challenge, Sarah. If you're not enjoying it, that's your problem, not mine. Now take your hands off the collar.”

Sarah continued to tug uselessly at the collar. Emily took an object from her pocket. She pushed a button and it made a loud click. Sarah ignored her.

“Sarah No!” Emily said sternly and clicked it again. After a few seconds she clicked it a 3rd time. 

“What are you doing?” asked Sarah, annoyed.

“I was going to let you out tomorrow, but every time you piss me off I’m adding 6 more hours you stay in that belt. This counter will just help us keep track.” She clicked the counter again. “Oh 4 times, that’s another full day.”

Sarah let her hands drop from the collar. 

“Good girl. Let’s eat. I made pancakes.”

They entered the kitchen to find one place set at the table. “Yours is right there.” said Emily, pointing at the floor.Sarah's eyes widened in disbelief as she saw the dog bowl placed before her. "Emily, you can't be serious," she protested, the unease evident in her voice.

With a sly smile, Emily produced the clicker and gave it a click. Sarah hesitated, a battle of pride and humiliation raging within her. She’d already tried everything she could to get out of the belt and it had been useless. If she could just put up with Emily’s games a little longer she could get her key and put this all behind her. Reluctantly, Sarah lowered herself to all fours, her hands tentatively reaching for the dog bowl. Emily's triumphant grin grew as she clicked the counter, signaling the extension of Sarah's captivity. “No hands.”

The first mouthful from the dog bowl felt like a bitter pill to swallow. The food was tasty enough, but eating off the floor while Emily sat above her, was infuriating. After a few bites she started to tell Emily she wasn’t that hungry. Emily merely reached for the clicker and Sarah's resistance crumbled. She quickly lowered her head and continued eating.

In the days that followed, Emily's influence over Sarah solidified. Sarah was just walking past Emmily in the living room when Emily pointed at the floor and in a commanding voice said “Sarah sit!”

"Emily, this is going too far," she protested, the bell on her collar jingling softly as if echoing her discontent.

Ignoring Sarah's objections, Emily clicked the device, signaling more time trapped in the belt, then again pointed to the floor and commanded, "Sit." Sarah hesitated, her pride wrestling with the command, but the threatening clicker in Emily's hand loomed as a reminder of the consequences. After a moment, Sarah reluctantly lowered herself to a seated position. The clicker continued to dictate Sarah's movements. Emily commanded her to "Roll over," and Sarah, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment, reluctantly obeyed.

With each refusal, or even when Emily judged Sarah was too slow to obey, she increased the duration of time Sarah remained locked. Sarah was doing her best to keep track of the time left. She had started with a single day remaining, but it only took four clicks to add another day. She had to have over a week now with all the clicking Emily was doing.

Her other problem was that she was horny all the time. She had never locked herself in the belt for more than a day, and she couldn’t remember the last time she had gone this long without touching herself. She desperately wanted to escape and she was getting more and more willing to put up with Emily’s humiliations to get it.

The clicks soon became her greatest fear. Three or less in a day, and she was at least getting closer to her goal. Any more than that and she was actually losing time. Soon it didn’t matter what trick Emily demanded, she was doing them with no hesitation. 

But it seemed like every time she got within a few days of getting out of the belt, Emily had another trick up her sleeve. One day she told Sarah she could only bark for the rest of the day, another she made her crawl around the apartment on all fours. Clicking the button at the slightest bit of resistance.  The pet tricks continued, with an even slimmer window of time. Sarah could now do any trick almost instantly without even thinking about it. Yet somehow the release didn’t seem to be any closer.

The next day Emily’s game took an extreme turn.

"Sarah, pets don't wear clothes," Emily declared with a tone of authority, her eyes locking onto the feeble garment adorning Sarah. The bell on her collar jingled softly, as if anticipating the impending struggle.

Sarah, her pride reignited, hesitated. "Emily, this is too much. I can't just walk around without clothes," she protested.

Unyielding, Emily raised the clicker in her hand, a silent threat that hovered between them. "I've given you commands before, and you've complied. Are you going to make this difficult?" Emily's voice held a subtle warning as she clicked the device once, a reminder of the consequences that awaited Sarah's refusal.

Sarah's eyes flickered with a mix of anger and humiliation. Yet, under the weight of Emily's silent coercion, Sarah reluctantly began to strip away the remnants of her modesty until she was wearing only the chastity belt and collar.

Finally Sarah decided enough was enough. She was through with whatever game Emily was playing. "Emily, this has to stop. I'm serious. I can't take it anymore," Sarah pleaded, her voice tinged with frustration.

Emily, lounging on the couch with a hint of amusement, raised an eyebrow. "Oh, Sarah, we're having fun. Don't be such a buzzkill. I didn’t put you in that belt, and you agreed I could hold on to your keys."

"I don't care if I agreed to it initially; it's gone too far. I want out," Sarah insisted, her eyes narrowing with determination. “I’m not playing your games anymore!”

“Who said anything about playing games?”

"What are you talking about, Emily? This was just a game, right?" Sarah stammered, the realization sinking in.

Emily, wore a sinister smile, "Oh, Sarah, you don't get it, do you? It was never just a game to me. From the beginning, I was training you, molding you into my little pet."

Sarah's heart raced as the weight of Emily's words settled upon her. The bell's jingle seemed to intensify, a haunting reminder of the manipulation that had taken place.

"I can't believe you would do this to me," Sarah protested, the horror in her voice evident. "This is sick, Emily. I won't be your pet."

But as Sarah spoke those words, a chilling realization dawned upon her. The training, the challenges, the punishments she’d given up so much under Emily's influence.

Emily, reveling in the control she had established, merely grinned. "It's adorable that you think you have a choice. But you're my pet now, Sarah, and you'll learn to love it."

Sarah started to argue, to deny Emily’s prediction, but Emmily interrupted her.

"Sit, Sarah," Emily commanded, her voice carrying an unmistakable authority.

Despite Sarah's conscious resistance, her body responded involuntarily. The sound of the bell chimed softly as she found herself lowering to a sitting position. Disbelief was etched across her face as she realized her subconscious obedience.

Emily, reveling in the control she held, circled Sarah. "Speak," she commanded, a challenge in her eyes.

At first Sarah managed to maintain her composure, then she heard the click. To her horror, a bark escaped her lips. Her conscious mind screamed against the absurdity, yet it just felt so natural to respond to Emily's every pet command.

“It doesn’t have to be like this Sarah. Just admit you’re my pet. We won’t need that mean old chastity belt anymore. I know how horny you are. You’re acting like a pet anyway. Wouldn’t it be better to just admit it?” She wrapped her arms around Sarah and started rubbing her nipples. “I’ve wanted to play with you for so long. Don’t you want me to play with your pussy?”

Sarah couldn’t help nodding. She really did want it. Her pussy was soaking wet, crying out to be rubbed, to be filled. She didn’t care what she had to give up anymore.

 “I... I want to be your pet," Sarah admitted.

Emily, a triumphant glint in her eyes, took out the key and unlocked the chastity belt. As the cold metal fell away Sarah let out a needy moan. Emily began to softly rub her clit. “Say it again.” she demanded.

“I want to be your pet." repeated Sarah.


“I want to be your pet."

Emily kept playing with her, thrusting her fingers in and out of Sarah’s pussy.

“I want to be your pet. I want to be your pet. I want to be your pet…" Sarah kept repeating the words over and over as she came the first time, and the second and the many times after that. She didn’t stop until Emily was finished with her.

Sarah was exhausted, and her mind was reeling as Emily snapped a leash onto her collar and led her to her cage. As she locked the door for the night, Emily said “Get a goodnight’s sleep Sarah, the real training starts tomorrow.”

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